EUPEA and Consejo-Colef have the pleasure of inviting you to the 32nd EUPEA Forum in Zaragoza from 25th-28th November 2021. The organisers have produced an interesting programme, providing you with the opportunity to work, socialize and to enjoy being in Zaragoza. You will find some preliminary information below. Please feel free to invite another colleague from you Association or Institution to also attend. Provisional Programme November 25th:
Arrival of EUPEA members 17:00-19:00. EUPEA Board Meeting Part 1 20:00. Welcome Dinner November 26th: 09:00-12:00. EUPEA Forum Meeting Part 1 12:00-13:30. Lunch break 13:30-16:30. EUPEA Forum Meeting Part 2 20:00 Dinner November 27th: 09:00 – 13:00 EUPEA Forum Meeting Part 3 13:00-14:30. Lunch break 14:30-16:30: EUPEA Forum Meeting Part 4 20:00: Dinner November 28th: 09:00-12:00. EUPEA Board Meeting Part 2 We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 32nd EUPEA Forum in Zaragoza.
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