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Jordan Mitchell
Jordan Mitchell

Cat Tin Eu La Tine [HOT]

The Latin influence in English has been significant at all stages of its insular development. In the Middle Ages, borrowing from Latin occurred from ecclesiastical usage established by Saint Augustine of Canterbury in the 6th century or indirectly after the Norman Conquest, through the Anglo-Norman language. From the 16th to the 18th centuries, English writers cobbled together huge numbers of new words from Latin and Greek words, dubbed "inkhorn terms", as if they had spilled from a pot of ink. Many of these words were used once by the author and then forgotten, but some useful ones survived, such as 'imbibe' and 'extrapolate'. Many of the most common polysyllabic English words are of Latin origin through the medium of Old French. Romance words make respectively 59%, 20% and 14% of English, German and Dutch vocabularies.[35][36][37] Those figures can rise dramatically when only non-compound and non-derived words are included.

Cat tin eu la tine

Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividit. Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate provinciae longissime absunt, minimeque ad eos mercatores saepe commeant atque ea quae ad effeminandos animos pertinent important, proximique sunt Germanis, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerunt. Qua de causa Helvetii quoque reliquos Gallos virtute praecedunt, quod fere cotidianis proeliis cum Germanis contendunt, cum aut suis finibus eos prohibent aut ipsi in eorum finibus bellum gerunt. Eorum una pars, quam Gallos obtinere dictum est, initium capit a flumine Rhodano, continetur Garumna flumine, Oceano, finibus Belgarum; attingit etiam ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum; vergit ad septentriones. Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibus oriuntur; pertinent ad inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni; spectant in septentrionem et orientem solem. Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad Pyrenaeos montes et eam partem Oceani quae est ad Hispaniam pertinet; spectat inter occasum solis et septentriones.

Gallia est omnis dívísa in partés trés, quárum únam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquítání, tertiam quí ipsórum linguá Celtae, nostrá Gallí appellantur. Hí omnés linguá, ínstitútís, légibus inter sé differunt. Gallós ab Aquítánís Garumna flúmen, á Belgís Mátrona et Séquana dívidit. Hórum omnium fortissimí sunt Belgae, proptereá quod á cultú atque húmánitáte próvinciae longissimé absunt, miniméque ad eós mercátórés saepe commeant atque ea quae ad efféminandós animós pertinent important, proximíque sunt Germánís, quí tráns Rhénum incolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerunt. Quá dé causá Helvétií quoque reliquós Gallós virtúte praecédunt, quod feré cotídiánís proeliís cum Germánís contendunt, cum aut suís fínibus eós prohibent aut ipsí in eórum fínibus bellum gerunt. Eórum úna pars, quam Gallós obtinére dictum est, initium capit á flúmine Rhodanó, continétur Garumná flúmine, Óceanó, fínibus Belgárum; attingit etiam ab Séquanís et Helvétiís flúmen Rhénum; vergit ad septentriónés. Belgae ab extrémís Galliae fínibus oriuntur; pertinent ad ínferiórem partem flúminis Rhéní; spectant in septentriónem et orientem sólem. Aquítánia á Garumná flúmine ad Pýrénaeós montés et eam partem Óceaní quae est ad Hispániam pertinet; spectat inter occásum sólis et septentriónés.

Tá an Rós ar ais Baby! Agus táimse ana-shásta fé seo. Thánamar le chéile ag an ndeireadh seachtaine chun é seo a fhógairt agus ón maidin sin aríst tá an tine lasta fúinn ar, 16 February 2022

Joining you at the table are headstrong captain Valentine and rule-obsessed robot Frette. During your quest to defeat the Dragon Lord, you'll meet a cast of lovable misfits like a lute-wielding Bardbarian and your very own Fairy Punchfather.

Tune in to our Instagram story today, as Ángel Lozada takes over to take you behind the scenes of his day at On Your Feet! at Paper Mill Playhouse!Ángel Lozada (Ensemble, Chris, Airport Soloist) (he/him/his) is a queer Latine artist who craves a deeper understanding of self and the world he lives in. Television: NBC's Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert. Off Broadway: Oratorio for Living Things (Lucille Lortel Award, outstanding ensemble). Regional: Hair (The Old Globe), Unmasked (Paper Mill Playhouse), Evita (Riverside Theatre), West Side Story (Maltz Jupiter), Jesus Christ Superstar (Lyric Opera of Chicago). He is super pumped to be returning to Paper Mill and would like to extend his gratitude to HCKR, his parents, and his partner in crime. @imangellozadaThis exhilarating production follows the lives of pop superstars Gloria and Emilio Estefan, Cuban immigrants in Miami, as they fall in love, struggle to overcome family obstacles, and work tirelessly to take their Latin sound to the American mainstream. Directed and choreographed by Alex Sanchez, with music direction by Andrew David Sotomayor (Tootsie), and featuring such chart-topping hits as "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You," "Conga," and "1-2-3," On Your Feet! is an exuberant, joyful celebration that's bursting with heart.

Buna ziua. Am incercat deja reteta, asa ca stiu ca iese. Am citit deja din alte comentarii ca se poate tine si la congelator (pentru ca toata surpriza e sa curga ciocolata din mijloc si daca nu se mananca imediat, se intareste-deci s-a dus farmecul). Intrebarea mea e: cand le scoti din congelator trebuie lasate sa ajunga la temp camerei si apoi puse la copt sau se pun direct in cuptor? Multumesc frumos pentru eventualul raspuns!

Cum încarci ceasul în aceste zile? Nu-i destul că ții telefonul la baterie externă, mai iei cu tine și încărcătorul de ceas și faci cu schimbul? Sau iei baterie cu wireless charging și pui ceasul pe ea din când în când? Culmea, Samsung face astfel de baterii foarte bune sau poate aceasta Anker cu magsafe.

Confirm, ceasul si bratara smart tin intre 10-20 zile. Eram obisnuit cu Xiaomi care tinea peste o luna si mi s-a parut grea trecerea la o autonomie mai redusa. Dar sa incarc zilnic nici gand, mai bine ma lipsesc.

Care-i faza cu cabana sau drumețiile, e așa greu să iei încă un cablu? că acumulator extern sigur ai la tine. Eu așa am încărcat când am stat cu cortul, dar dacă fix asta e problema, cum ziceam, există și alte variante.

Nu neaparat sa tine 20 de ani bateria, este suficent sa te tine 3-4 ore.Daca oamenii s-au obisnuit cu ceasuri pe care le incarci de 2 ori pe zi, de ce nu s-ar obisnui si cu inele pe care le incarci de 4-5 ori pe zi? Eventual sa fie un fel de reverse charging atunci cand ai telefonul in mana.

HAppie were they in times past reputed (and not vnworthily) who had that gratious and heauenly gift, aut facere scribenda, aut scribere legenda: that is to say, either to do such things as deserued to bee written, or to write that which was worth the reading. Those that could not attaine to these two branches of felicitie, and yet vtterly misliked idlenes, contented themselues in a third degree, namely to take in hand the old workes of their ancients, and by new labours to immortalize their memorie. Thus Nicophanes (a famous painter in his time) gaue his mind wholly to antique pictures, partly to exemplifie and take out their patternes after that in long continuance of time they were decaied; and in part to repaire and reforme the same, if haply by some iniurious accident they were defaced. The ingenious mind of this artizan thus deuoted to antiquitie, as I doe highly commend; so I cannot chuse but embrace his policie, seeking hereby to auoid the enuie and reproofe of others. In this number I must range those learned men in seuerall ages, who to illustrate the monuments left by former writers, haue annexed vnto them their Commentaries; to saue them entire and vncorrupt, haue set thereto iudiciall obseruations; and to publish them for a generall benefit of posteritie, haue translated the same into their mother language. As for my selfe, since it is neither my hap nor hope to attaine to such perfection, as to bring forth somewhat of mine owne which may quit the paines of a reader; and much lesse to performe any action that might minister matter to a writer; and yet so farre bound vnto my natiue countrey and the blessed state wherein I haue liued, as to render an account of my yeeres passed and studies employed, during this long time of peace and tranquilitie, wherein (vnder the most gratious and happy gouernement of a peerelesse Princesse, assisted with so prudent, politique, and learned Counsell) all good literature hath had free progresse and flourished, in no age so much: mee thought I owed this dutie, to leaue for my part also (after many others) some small memoriall, that might giue testimonie another day what fruits generally this peaceable age of ours hath produced. Endeauoured I haue therefore to stand in this third ranke, and bestowed those houres which might be spared from the practise of my profession, and the necessarie cares of this life, to satisfie my countrimen now liuing, and to gratifie the age ensuing, in this kinde. Like as therefore I haue trauelled alreadie in Titus Livius a renowmed Historiographer, so I haue proceeded to deale with Plinius Secundus the elder, as famous a Philosopher. Now albeit my intention and only scope was, to doe a pleasure vnto them that could not read these authours in the original: yet needs I must confesse that euen my selfe haue not only gained therby encrease of the Latine tongue (wherein these workes were written) but also growne to further knowledge of the matter and argument therein contained. For this benefit wee reape by studying the bookes of such ancient authours, [Page] That the oftner we read them ouer, the more still we find and learne in them: as beeing so judiciously and pithily penned, that, as the Poet said very well, decies repetita placerent. Well may the newest songs and last deuised plaies delight our ears at the first, and for the present rauish our senses: like as horarie and earely Summer fruits content our tast and please the appetite: but surely it is antiquitie that hath giuen grace, vigor, and strength to writings; euen as age commendeth the most generous and best wines. In which regard, and vpon this experience of mine owne, I nothing doubt but they also whom I might iustly feare as hard censours of these my labours, will not onely pitie mee for my paines, but also in some measure yeeld mee thankes in the end, when either by the light of the English (if they be young students) they shall bee able more readily to goe away with the darke phrase and obscure constructions of the Latine; or (being great schollers and taking themselues for deepe Critickes) by conferring the one with the other, haply to espie wherein I haue tripped, they shall by that meanes peruse once againe, and consequenly gather new profit out of that authour whom peraduenture they had laid by for many yeers as sufficiently vnderstood. When some benefit (I say) shall accrew vnto them likewise by this occasion, I lesse dread their fearefull doome, to which so wilfully I haue exposed my selfe. Well I wist, that among the Athenians, order was taken by law, That an enterlude newly acted should be heard with silence and applause: which custome, as it was respectiue and fauourable to the first endeauours of the actours, so it implied an ineuitable danger of hissing out an vtter disgrace, if afterwards they chanced to misse and faile in their parts. Hauing shewed my selfe once before vpon the stage, presuming vpon this priuiledge and the curtesie of the theatre, I might haue now sitten still and so rested: In mounting vp thus soon againe, I may seeme either in the assured confidence of mine owne worthinesse, to proclaime a challenge to all mens censures; or else vpon a deepe conceit of some generall conniuencie make reckoning of an extraordinarie and wonderfull fauor. But as the choise that I haue made to publish the monuments of other men, without fathering any thing of mine owne, doth excuse and acquit mee for the one; so the froward disposition of carpers in these daies wherein wee liue, will checke the other. Howbeit considering such paines vndergone by me one man, for the pleasure of so many; so much time spent of mine, for gaining time to others; and some opportunities of privat lucre ouerslipt and lost, to win profit vnto all; I feare not but these regards may deserue a friendly acceptance, & counterweigh all defects and faults escaped, whatsoeuer. The persuasion hereof, but principally the priuitie of my affectionat loue vnto my countrey (which assured me of a safe-conduct to passe peaceably through their hands who are of the better sort and well affected) induced mee to a resolution not onely to enter vpon this new taske, but also to breake through all difficulties, vntill I had brought the same, if not to a full and absolute perfection, yet to an end and finall conclusion. Besides this naturall inclination and hope which carried mee this way, other motiues there were that made saile and set mee forward. I saw how diuerse men before me had dealt with this authour, whiles some laboured to reforme whatsoeuer by iniurie of time was growne out of frame: others did their best to translate him into their own tongue, and namely, the Italian and French: moreoover, the Title prefixed therto so vniuersall as it is, to wit, The Historie of the World, [Page] or Reports of Nature, imported (no doubt) that hee first penned it for the generall good of mankind. Ouer and besides, the Argument ensuing full of varietie, furnished with discourses of all matters, not appropriate to the learned only, but accommodat to the rude peisant of the countrey; fitted for the painefull artizan in towne and citie: pertinent to the bodily health of man, woman, and child; and in one word, suiting with all sorts of people liuing in a societie and commonweale. To say nothing of the precedent giuen by the authour himselfe who endited the same, not with any affected phrase, but sorting well with the capacitie euen of the meanest and most vnlettered: who also translated a good part thereof out of the Greeke. What should I alledge the example of former times, wherein the like hath euermore been approued and practised? Why should any man therefore take offence hereat, and enuie this good to his naturall countrey, which was first meant for the whole world? and yet some there be so grosse as to giue out, That these and such like bookes ought not to bee published in the vulgar tongue. It is a shame (quoth one) that Liuie speaketh English as hee doth: Latinists onely are to bee acquainted with him: as Who would say, the souldiour were to haue recourse vnto the vniuersitie for militarie skill and knowledge: or the scholler to put on armes and pitch a campe. What should Plinie (saith another) bee read in English, and the mysteries couched in his bookes divulged: as if the husbandman, the mason, carpenter, goldsmith, painter, lapidarie, and engrauer, with other artificers, were bound to seeke vnto great clearkes or linguists for instructions in their seuerall arts. Certes, such Momi as these, besides their blind and erronious opinion, thinke not so honourably of their natiue countrey and mother tongue as they ought: who if they were so well affected that way as they should be, would wish rather, and endeauour by all meanes to triumph now ouer the Romans in subduing their literature vnder the dent of the English pen, in requitall so the conquest sometime ouer this Island, atchieued by the edge of their sword. As for our speech, was not Latine as common and naturall in Italie, as English here with vs. And if Plinie faulted not but deserued well of the Romane name, in laying abroad the riches and hidden treasures of Nature, in that Dialect or Idiome which was familiar to the basest clowne: why should any man be blamed for enterprising the semblable, to the commoditie of that countrey in which and for which he was borne. Are wee the onely nation vnder heauen vnworthie to tast of such knowledge? or is our language so barbarous, that it will not admit in proper tearmes a forreine phrase? I honor them in my heart, who hauing of late daies troden the way before mee in Plutarch, Tacitus, and others, haue made good proofe, that as the tongue in an Englishmans head is framed so flexible and obsequent, that it can pronounce naturally any other language; so a pen in his hand is able sufficiently to expresse Greeke, Latine, and Hebrew. And my hope is, that after mee there will arise some industrious Flavij who may at length cornicum oculos configere. For if my selfe, a man by profession otherwise carried away, for gifts farre inferiour to many, and wanting such helps as others bee furnished with, haue in some sort taught those to speake English who were supposed very vntoward to bee brought vnto it; what may be expected at their hands, who for leisure may attend better; in wit are more pregnant; and being graced with the opinion of men and fauour of the time, may attempt what they will, and effect whatsoever [Page] they attempt with greater felicitie? A painfull and tedious travaile I confesse it is; neither make I doubt but many doe note mee for much follie in spending time herein, and neglecting some compendious course of gathering good, and pursing vp pence. But when I looke backe to the example of Plinie, I must of necessitie condemne both mine owne sloth, and also reproue the supine negligence of these daies. A courtiour he was, and great favourit of the Vespasians both father and sonne: an oratour besides, and pleaded many causes at the barre: a martiall man withall, and serued often times a leader and commander in the field: within the citie of Rome hee mannaged civile affaires, and bare honourable offices of State. Who would not thinke but each one of these places would require a whole man? and yet amid these occasions wherewith he was possessed, he penned Chronicles, wrate Commentaries, compiled Grammaticall treatises, and many other volumes which at this day are vtterly lost. As for the Historie of Nature now in hand, which sheweth him to be an excellent Philosopher and a man accomplished in all kinds of literature (the onely monument of his that hath escaped all dangers, and as another Palladium beene reserued entire vnto our time) wherein hee hath discoursed of all things even from the starrie heauen to the centre of the earth; a man would marveile how hee could possibly either write or doe any thing else. But considering the agilitie of mans spirit alwaies in motion: an ardent desire to benefit posteritie, which in these volumes hee hath so often protested; his indefatigable studie both day and night, euen to the iniurie of nature, and the same continued in euerie place, as well abroad as withinhouse; in his iourney vpon the high way, where his manner was to read and to indite; in his ordinarie passage through the streets betweene court and home, where he gaue himselfe no rest, but either read, or else found his notarie worke to write; and for that purpose rode vsually in an easie litter, with the said Notarie close by his side: lesse wonder it is, that hee performed his service to Prince and state according to his calling; and withall deliuered vnto posteritie so many fruits of wit and learning. For what is not the head of man able to compasse? especially making saile with a feruent desire and resolution to see an end, and besides taking the vantage of all moments, and losing no time, whereof hee was unus omnium parcissimus. Touching his affection to search into the secrets of Nature, it was that and nothing else that shortened his daies, and haste


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